Swiss gate of

Swiss gate of

The Swiss gate – (9. Schweizertor)

From the East the yard is closed by a wing facade Shvaytserkhof (Schweizerhof), the Swiss yard, there lived Maria Tereziya’s Swiss guardsmen. Swiss gate (9. Schweizertor) is a main entrance in Shvaytserkhof. Alte Burga  (Alte Burg) this complex, the most ancient part of Hofburga, is mentioned in documents of 1279. Earlier there was a medieval castle of barons Babenbergov protected by 4 strong angular towers which remained till XVIII century Friedrich III, about 1479, has started to reconstruct and decorate the lock, and Ferdinand I approximately in 1530 has transformed it to the residence.

Since then and till last century continuous alterations here were carried out. The Swiss yard is opened by magic gate of an era of the Renaissance – the Swiss gate – Shvaytsertor (Schweizertor), constructed, probably, according to the project of designer Pietro Ferrabosko,  with the polikhromny coats of arms, inscriptions and frescos on the arch of an arch and aperture walls. The inscription of 1552 over a portal is devoted to emperor Ferdinand who has begun updating of the lock.

Swiss gate of

Swiss gate (Schweizertor)

This part of Hofburga was till XIX century the residence of members of an imperial surname. The last Rudolf occupying a wing in which the Front staircase with columns conducts here lived. On a facade, to the left of Shvaytsertor, the polikhromny memorial board (1536) with 2 griffins supporting the coat of arms of Leopold I is placed.

Swiss gate of

Swiss gate (Schweizertor)

Swiss gate of

Swiss gate (Schweizertor)

Swiss gate of

Swiss gate (Schweizertor)

The Swiss gate – Shvaytsertor (Schweizertor)