Category: Architecture as Experience Radical change in spatial practice

Reading three: a moral lesson embodied in frontier life

A third reading explores an extreme view of wilderness taken by a group of elite men, members of the Boone and Crockett club, who see the frontier experience as an essential ingredient in forming men into American citizens. Receiving an invitation from Theodore Roosevelt to attend a club dinner celebrating the opening of the Hunter’s […]

The history of the Pantheon as it was generally understood in the eighteenth century

3.2 Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Opere varie… vol. 7: Campus Martius. Rome, 1762. Tav. V-X, Ichnographia. Detail of area around Pantheon Although the building had served a variety of functions in its lifetime and had, for some twelve centuries, been a church consecrated as Santa Maria ad Martyres, by Piranesi’s day it was, in the main, […]