Category: Architecture as Experience Radical change in spatial practice

The history of the Pantheon as it was generally understood in the eighteenth century

3.2 Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Opere varie… vol. 7: Campus Martius. Rome, 1762. Tav. V-X, Ichnographia. Detail of area around Pantheon Although the building had served a variety of functions in its lifetime and had, for some twelve centuries, been a church consecrated as Santa Maria ad Martyres, by Piranesi’s day it was, in the main, […]

The erasure of history From Victorian asylum to ‘Princess Park Manor’

Deborah E. B. Weiner Introduction The re-use of historic buildings for purposes of redevelopment in the name of ‘heritage’ and ‘preservation’ is a complicated, and at times disturbing, global phenomenon with counterparts in every major city. In England the fabric of historic buildings, and even whole building types, have been threatened and lost in the […]

Arlington National Cemetery: the burial service

The funeral proper took place in the amphitheatre of the Arlington National Cemetery. The white marble colonnaded outdoor auditorium has all the qualities of a fully realized Beaux-Arts student drawing and was, in fact, the creation of one of the leading French-trained American firms, Carrere and Hastings. The liturgy used was a modified form of […]