Plague column in Vienna

Plague column in Vienna

Plague column (Wiener Pestsaule), Rudolf Pollak photo

Terrible pandemics of plague from the Middle Ages destroyed the population of the cities of Europe. The medicine did not know effective methods of fight against the porukhy. Absence of usual water and sewer systems together with hygienic illiteracy of inhabitants did dely unsoluble.

People prayed, appealed to God, addressed to sacred patrons of own cities. When the pestilence receded, on the European areas special monuments – plague columns grew. These monuments expressed never-ending gratitude to the Lord for disposal.

The marble Plague column (to Pestzoil – Pestsaule) on the Vienna Graben Street has appeared after epidemic of 1679. On the district of Europe this epidemic was one of the huge. Illness выкосила then third part of the population of the Austrian capital.

Plague column in Vienna

Plague column (Wiener Pestsaule), Manoj Vimalassery photo

Plague has flashed in 1678, in Leopoldshtadta. In the capital have urgently built the 1st plague column. The wood column decorated with signs of 9 angelic choruses, designer Johann Fryuvert has set up in the centre of Vienna. It has not conceived act, and to the middle of summer epidemic already raged in Vienna.

Plague column in Vienna

Plague column (Wiener Pestsaule), Hugo Miguel Carrico photo

Governor Leopold together with a family has left the capital, having promised the people to make everything for its disposal and to build the latest, serious, stone plague column if failure recedes from the small town. Construction has begun in 1683, has come to the end in 1693. In the course of construction founders of a monument changed, configurations were brought in the project, but the monument left fine and harmonious.

Usually plague columns devoted to Virgin Mary. The Vienna Pestsaule has been devoted to the Holy Trinity. Work there has begun Mathias Raukhmiller, and after his death the management of the project has been transferred to Paul Shtrudelyu. Statues have executed T.Kraker and I.Bendel.

Plague column in Vienna

Plague column (Wiener Pestsaule), Maria Brueckner photo

The traditional prayful column has changed in fine baroque composition. It was the pyramid on which pedestal architects have represented Leopold I. The Kolenopreklonyonny governor prayed before the Belief sculpture. Over his head, in the middle of marble clouds, подымалиь to the sky of a figure of angels. Crowned composition the image of the Holy Trinity.

The Vienna Plague column became an outstanding prototype of the Austrian sculptural art of baroque.

Plague column in Vienna

Plague column (Wiener Pestsaule), Maria Brueckner photo

Plague column (Wiener Pestsaule)