Category: Integrated Buildings

Interior Systems

Occupied space reflects a basic principle of architecture by serving the many aspects of human comfort and security. Beyond this overriding goal, interior spaces are usually individually arranged to facilitate a particular set of uses and are optimized accordingly. Flexibility is often an issue, as the use of the space and the people in it […]

Mechanical Systems

Mechanical systems, for the purposes of this discussion of integration, are limited here to HVAC and related thermal comfort components. The other “mechanical” aspects of buildings such as lighting and plumbing are considered in the discussion of interior systems later in this chapter. Mandates There are eight fundamental requirements of mechanical air-conditioning, the last three […]

Structural Systems

Conceptually, structural systems comprise the following functional elements: • Bearing—transfers loads to stable supporting grade, generally made up of foundations, footings, grade beams, piers • Lifting—columns, load bearing walls, arches and other members providing vertical support • Spanning—horizontal support of beams, girders, trusses, purlins, slabs, arches, vaults, coffers, domes, space frames, and the like; also […]

Envelope Systems

Building envelope systems separate the indoors from the outdoors—they provide the “skin” of architecture. For this reason, they become the fundamental interpretation between the interior and the site condition. This inter­pretation sets in motion a large number of modulating functions of the envelope system — thermal, solar, acoustic, aerodynamic, and other forces largely invisible to […]

Integrated Systems

This section describes the component elements, perform­ance mandates, and relationships of the five fundamental systems of a building. These systems are categorized as fol­lows: • Envelope—the separation of indoor and outdoor conditions • Services — HVAC, electrical, plumbing, vertical trans­portation, and life safety systems • Structural—elements providing static equilibrium against gravity and dynamic loads • […]