Category: Integrated Buildings

Scale of Impact

A final principle of the environmental ethic concerns lim­its on the boundaries of influence that a design is obligat­ed to consider. Here too there are shades of green determined by the extent of scale. The spectrum crosses between what Norwegian ecophilosopher Arne Naess terms “shallow ecology” and “deep ecology,” designating respective degrees of local versus […]

Green Architecture

D escribed as solar, passive, ecological, sustainable, regenerative, or just plain green—environmentally aligned approaches to architecture are guided by both scientific principles and a worshipful romance with nature. Consequently, green buildings are part method, part philosophy, and part ethic. Ethic The 2000-2001 traveling exhibit Ten Shades of Green, curated by Peter Buchanan and designed by […]

Appropriate Systems

Precedent The most fundamental roots for Foster’s design of the HSBC building are found in his own solution for the Willis Faber Dumas (WFD) headquarters of 1975 (see case study #7). Completed four years before the Hong Kong competition began, the WFD building portrays many of the ideas consistent and evolving in Foster’s work. The […]