Category: Architecture as Experience Radical change in spatial practice

The city as a stage set

7.1 The Senegalese float in the bicentennial parade, 1989 The state organized the 1989 commemoration at a time when the socialists of President Frangois Mitterrand were sharing power with the conservatives. Not surprisingly, this led to tensions about how to represent the revolutionarypast. A bicentennial commission, known as the ‘Mission’, was established to organize the […]

Sultanahmet prison and its environs: a brief background

During the final decades of Ottoman sovereignty, Sultanahmet Square and its environs underwent considerable change. In 1863 the Ottoman royal family moved from Topkapi Palace, which had, for four centuries, served as the imperial residence and the administrative seat of the Empire, to Dolmabahge Palace, located further north, along the Bosphorus shore. The historic peninsula […]

Nomad architectures

Each ‘misprision’ of Stonehenge mentioned above, is a way of understanding the stones, which remain the same object throughout. In each understand­ing they are refracted through a different set of cultural knowledge and memories, so that each produces a different experience of Stonehenge. Geoffrey of Monmouth had a different experience of Stonehenge from Inigo Jones, […]